Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Frozen Hair, Car Doors That Won’t Shut and Frost on the Inside of Windows

That’s what I’ve been dealing with the past 2 mornings! I opened the window shade in the trailer only to discover frost on the INSIDE. My cat, Patch likes to hop up on the table and lick the condensation off the window (yes, she has issues), but had a very surprised look on her face when she licked the frost. I immediately laughed and had pictures in my head of her tongue sticking to the window, so I closed the shade to prevent her from injuring herself. I won’t bore you by complaining that it was -2 Monday morning and how when it is that cold the heater in the trailer doesn’t so much like to work. Funny how that is…

We got all our Christmas shopping done this weekend…YEAH! As I was baking some cookies Sunday evening, my Bubba (my brother, Jeff) called to get some recommendations for gifts for the parents. Watch out, Mom and Dad, your kids have been cahooting, or is it ‘in cahoots?’ Anyway, Curtis and I will be heading to Grants Pass for Christmas on Friday!

In other news, our countertops and cabinets have been installed! The carpet and other flooring is being installed this week…I LOVE my red wall in the nook. Curtis likes it too, but he won’t admit to it.

Merry Christmas!

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