Monday, December 04, 2006

Christmas Time is Here...

I'm sad because we don't get to put up a tree this year....I just don't think it will fit in our trailer. So I thought I'd try something new this year: I decorated a Gingerbread House. My mother-in-law was kind enough to pick up one of those nifty kits from the store. It was fun for a while, until the roof wouldn't stick. My icing decorating techniques need some serious work. I don't think I'll be making this a new tradition.....

My company Holiday Party was this last Saturday night at the Deschutes Brewery....Good times! The food was yummy and desert was delicious! Chocolate Lava Flow cake w/ Kahlua Ice Cream. Everyone got to draw 5 cards for their poker hand and, after dinner, the person with the best hand at each table got to pick or steal (from someone who had already picked) a prize. Curt had the best had (3 eights!) and he was the last one to pick a present. He ended up stealing a snowman dressed as a cowboy that came with a sign that reads "Believe" in fun glittery letters for me. That means we're two for two on winning prizes at my Holiday Parties (last year we won a portable DVD player from a raffle). To think, I almost didn't go so I could attend the Trucker's Light Parade in LA....humm....Standing in the sub-freezing temperatures, or winning fun prizes and eating yummy food?

In other news....We're almost done with the back deck. Hand rails are up, holes have been picked/dug for the support system for the step, and boards have been cut for the step. All the boards are down for the main part of the deck and it is beautiful! Many grateful thanks to Curt's cousin Erik for being the whiz he is at building things and to his wifey, Krimsen, for letting us borrow her hubby on the weekend, again. Now we just have to finish the step in the back and do the front, which Erik says should only take about 6 hours.

We finalized our paint choices: Walnut Cream for the main living area, hallways, bathrooms and kitchen; Leaf Rust for my accent wall in the nook; Drops of Dew for our room (it's blue); Morning Sunshine for bedroom 2 (which my mom has dubbed the baby's room for her future grandchild); Fraser Lake (green) for bedroom 3; Mohican Mist for the guest room. I believe we're still on track for painting this weekend!

I've decided to do a bit of Christmas shopping tonight....Only 3 weeks until Christmas! I think I need to watch "Love Actually" when I get back to the trailer tonight!

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