Monday, December 11, 2006

Always Get a Paint Sample

We're one step closer to moving into our house....the inside is painted. Curt's friend John came out Saturday morning and we started about 8 and finished just after 2. We almost had a disaster: The Mohican Mist color I picked out, which I thought would be a lovely purpley-grey was PINK! If you attended our wedding, you know that the bridesmaids wore pink. If you are my mom or friends, you know I like pink. I definatly DO NOT like pink on four walls of a bedroom. John was going to paint over the pink with the Walnut Cream, but he let me try to tint the pink with some tints he had. I added some Venician Red, Burnt Sienna, Brown, and Black in hopes it would come out a shade of Terracotta. It turned out great! It's not as orangy as Terracotta, it's more red. The new name for the new color is: Shara-cotta! So, the lesson for this weekend is to ALWAYS get paint samples. Don't depend on the little color stip to be an accurate representation of the color. I didn't get any samples for the other colors and I really love them, but it's better to be safe than sorry!

PS - sorry for the lack of pictures. I'll add some once we're moved in and I have high speed internet again.

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