Tuesday, January 23, 2007

We've Moved

We must have picked the coldest weekend this winter to move, but we did it. Last Friday (1/12) Curtis' dad picked up our U-Haul (we rented one incase of snow and/or other wintery type weather) and Curtis, our friend Brandon and I spent about 2 1/2 hours loading our stuff out of storage. This way all we had to do was move our stuff from the in-law's house and unpack the U-Haul. Everything went smoothly on Saturday and we had everything out (we had the biggest truck PACKED full) by mid-afternoon and most everything out of Don and Martha's house. The kitchen is usable as are the bathrooms, washer/dryer and we have TV (thanks to our across the street neighbor, Jason who is a whiz with electronics - hey, he works for the cable company). Our clothes are unpacked and there are sheets on our bed. I finally got the computer unpacked this past weekend and have been working on re-arrainging the furniture in the living room. I think the next room I'll tackle is the guest room - the bed is in, but the sheets haven't managed to make it on yet.

I tend to take my time unpacking boxes - some haven't been opened since we left Portland just over a year and a half ago. I found all our wedding cards and some souviners from our honeymoon in Hawaii. I'm down to 1 1/2 rooms that still have unpacked boxes in them, but I think that is pretty good. Here are some pictures now that we're moved in. Dad, I've included 2 pictures of the refrigerator - THANK YOU!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! you have a house! and you posted pictures! i can't wait to come and visit!

miss you-


Anonymous said...

How fun! Congrats on the new house!!

Amy said...

Yippee!! I am so excited for you to finally be moved in!

Faith M. said...

ooo, i like your refridge. it's very functional and huge.